Promotion actions

   Promotion actions  (BTL)  -  it's one of the stimulation ways aimed on consumer capability of target audience and involvement of new clients. Depending on company's aims and budget, it is reasonable to apply specific types of promotion actions. For each direction the several sceneries are used, key indicators and calculating methods. It is possible to carry to main types of promotion actions: charity; sponsorship; club actions; distribution of leaflets, advertizing production, souvenirs, coupons; carrying out tenders and games; organization of a lottery and instant encouragement; promotional packaging's; special events or loyalty programs; actions with return or reduction of prices; sampling; figurative promo-zone.

  Our company offers the complex service for to carrying out any promotion actions, namely: development and carrying out promotion action, development of design and production of required materials for promotion actions, storage of stock for periodic carrying out promotion actions.

 To determine with necessary for you promo-action will be easily with the description in target sections of our website.
