If your company's aim to be convenient for the clients, has development potential on the new markets, interactions with the foreign companies, the export or import relations, then we recommend to create several language versions. To be clear in business is one of successful bases development of the company. In addition, use several language versions raises the status not only in the opinion of partners, but also in perception of the company by employees and potential candidates.
You can order the website with several language versions which will be translated by professional translators - native speakers which know nuances of language turnovers and values. If the translator isn't a native speaker, then there is always a probability of a translation error because in comparison with rich dictionary designation in Russian, more than in 60% other languages turnovers and dialectics about which translators pupils learn with experience are used.
Use of program superstructures for the websites and the software of machine translation doesn't consider grammar and semantic loading in offers with turns of speech or containing more than 7 words.
We recommend to you to make investments in the target and potential customer groups and partners. Taking into account globalization, development of the international business relations and growth of logistic opportunities it is worth paying attention to implementation of the website in languages of prospective clients and zones of placement of language sub domains. Today many companies and people look for goods and services is far from the house for the purpose of benefit, uniqueness or quality therefore it is worth paying to this question attention.
What language is necessary to you? In fact the main languages used on the websites of the companies is English as it has the status international by default, and other languages necessary for your website is the market of the existing and potential partners and clients. Make investments in efficiency of the business and make success!
For the order of service you can use a form in the bottom of the page, and also directly receive a value works assessment attaching the specification.