The company's domestic starts with rules documentation, processes and responsibility zones. For checkout of highly effective production process each employee should know and complete the corporate laws code of the organization.
During forming company's domestic policy, our specialists develop an effective work algorithms and regulations for employees and groups, also interaction rules for the external organizations in different situations.
For highest efficiency achievement of company's domestic policy, it's necessary to carry out the complex of researching and analytical works, which are the base for documents packet completing. Depending on companies' work direction, current assets, the number of employees and a business process, the packet could include employment contracts documents, responsibility and KPI, to point orders and local regulations.
An effective domestic policy system allows to provide a stable working hours, control and the highest economical efficiency of a company.
For the service order you could use a form in the bottom of the page, and also receive a work value assessment immediately of ,in case if you'll attach a task and summary information on your company.