Shares with prices reduction

   Price promotion actions are the most widespread type of promo activities and also low-costs, simple in application, require the minimum involvement of additional personnel and the minimum temporary resources on preparation.

   Price shares mean temporary decrease by a certain percent from all-in cost of goods. Price shares are usually arranged by the bright promo-price label with indication of the new promotional price. Often promotional goods with significant prices reduction are exposed on the additional calculation.

   In promotion actions with prices reduction approach to establishment of the size discounts is important. There are some rules:

The discount size is higher, the share is more attractive;

It is sometimes more profitable to specify new price, but not the size of a discount as sometimes discount price is perceived more profitable;

In case of establishment of discounts for a number of products within a wide assortment row it is more effective to establish a big discount for 1 product, than small discounts for all products at the same time;

With significant reduction of price it is better for share to limit on time and to develop excessive demand for goods.

   For the order of service you can use the order form, and also directly receive a value assessment of works if attach a task and summary information on your company.