Shares with money return

   Marketing shares with money return - it is a type of BTL of actions as a result of which the seller guarantees return of a certain % of purchase cost to the final buyer after making and confirmation of purchase.

   Such type of promotion actions is suitable for sales promotion of several products. It is very convenient for food shops where the buyer can purchase several products directly and receive significant return of cost of purchase.

   Mechanics of promotion actions with return of a money become more and more convenient and simple in management thanks to development of information technologies and simplicity of registration of returns.

     Examples of marketing shares with return of a money:

increase in cash balance on x % after replenishment of service on at $;

return x % of cost upon the subsequent purchase;

return x % immediately after sight general check for purchases;

return x % for phone after input of a code from packaging of a product.

   Recently become popular return of a money in the form of real goods of a certain producer within the cross-country of marketing shares. For example, upon purchase of food on the amount from "At" rub, you receive the check for gasoline on x % of purchase cost.

   For the order of service you can use the order form, and also directly receive a value assessment of works if attach a task and summary information on your company.